August 22: In case you missed it…

I’ve been on vacation in Boston for the last few days, so I’m sure I’ve missed some goodies the last few days. That being said, here are a few goodies I did NOT miss, nor should you…

In case you missed these graphics and interactives in the last few days:

Support for Same-Sex Marriage, State by State [New York Times]

Graphic showing select states and their residents’ views on same-sex marriage now versus the mid ’90s. Goes along with…


Support for Same-Sex Marriage interactive [New York Times]

This interactive lets you examine each state’s support (or non-support) for same-sex marriage back to 1994. From Week In Review.


Ax Handle Saturday, 1960: A day of defiance in black and white [Florida Times-Union]

Deirdre Conner’s thorough look back at a  day 50 years ago in Jacksonville when black youth, attempting to sit down at a whites-only lunch counter, were accosted by an angry mob wielding ax handles. Graphic artist, colleague and good friend of mine Kyle Bentle worked with Deirdre to recreate Jacksonville’s downtown circa 1960 and show the timeline of events. Kyle’s work is always thorough, and pieces like this reiterate his attention to detail.


Crackdown on Indecency [Detroit Free Press via I Love Charts]

It’s a crime to wear saggy pants in Flint, Mich., so to show you the various warnings and fines you could get, Moses Harris of the Detroit Free Press put together this graphic. In the years I’ve been making graphics, I’ve never been able to draw a buttocks. Not for a graphic explicitly about the buttocks, that is.


Kyle Bentle’s Portfolio/Website []

As I mentioned earlier, Kyle Bentle is a colleague and good friend of mine. He’s been working on his portfolio for a while now, and has recently gone live. It showcases his talent, but my favorite part is…

…this placeholder he had on his site for a while. I was worried it would go away when he launched the site, but THANK GOD it stayed up there. Take a look and enjoy the site.

August 8: In case you missed it…

In case you missed these graphics and interactives in the last few days:

States that allow same-sex marriage vs. States that allow marriage between first cousins [I Love Charts]

Charles Blow tweeted this yesterday. It is, as you might guess from the title, a look at the states allowing same-sex marriage compared to the states allowing marriage between first cousins.


Back to the Future timelines [Sean Mort, via FlowingData]

This chart breaks down the timelines from the “Back To The Future” trilogy. Compared to this, the various “Lost” timelines were totally followable.


The Brett Favre Retirement Curve [Slate]

Dubbed “an interactive visualization of the quarterback’s annual off-season waffling,” this chart is a fever chart of sorts showing his waffling between “comeback,” “not sure” and “retirement.” And, the colors match those of the teams for which he’s played.


Missouri’s sexually transmitted disease rates []

The topic might not be pretty, but that’s why this chart is all the more important. It allows you to search by county, zip code, year and STD. My home county, St. Louis, has consistently ranked among the nation’s worst for at least two of the diseases, chlamydia and gonorrhea. This was put together by Brian Williamson, who consistently does great graphics databases. See this, like, now.


Got some stuff we missed? Send ’em our way.